The unified planning library permits to conveniently model and solve planning problems in a uniform way with python.
With the release of version 1.0 the API is now stable and the library is ready to be used in your projects.

Model your planning task computationally. The python library makes it easy to connect your existing infrastructure to modern planning technology.
There is no need to commit to a specific planning engine in advance. Due to the common interface it is easy to exchange the solver engine at all times.
The unified planning library supports many different flavors of planning and scheduling, e.g classical, numeric, temporal, contingent, hierarchical, task and motion planning and some variations of scheduling.
The library offers interoperability with existing formal languages and libraries, such as PDDL, ANML, Tarski, or GRPC.

Continuing Development
The development of the library does not stop with v1.0!
The project partners are currently working on further exciting features such as simulated effects and custom heuristics.