Posted on November 28, 2021 in Open Call

Do you have a real-world AI Planning use case? AIPlan4EU has an opportunity for you!



Automated Planning and Scheduling is a central research area in AI, where the task is to choose and arrange actions in order to achieve some goal. European research has been making strong contributions to this area since the inception of the field.

AIPlan4EU is a project that will leverage the excellent research that Europe has founded and constructed by focusing on AI planning technology and bringing it to innovators and practitioners.




Open call #2 for use-cases provides equity-free funding to attract and select the most motivated external partners. The objective is simple: identify real-world AI planning use-cases that will have the chance to be developed and implemented in the following steps of the AIPlan4EU project.

For this open call, up to 5 use-case proposals will be funded and every relevant use-case can, and should apply! 

The design of the various activities in AIPlan4EU will be derived from user needs. So a use-case will be considered if it is relevant in the scope of AI planning, regardless of its sector.

The use-cases provided by the project partners themselves, serve as examples and are from the following areas:

Planning for:

  • space, 
  • agriculture, 
  • manufacturing,
  • logistics,
  • autonomous driving, 
  • automated experimentation, and
  • subsea robotics.


Overall the project offers:

  • Funding €1500 per use case (up to 5 use-case proposals) in open call #2 for use-cases, to attend a workshop where you will get help to further develop and specify your use-case in the context of AI Planning,
  • The opportunity to be funded up to €30.000 to support the use-case implementation in the future open calls,
  • Opportunities to connect with users and suppliers from various industries, and
  • Access to a sustainable ecosystem of stakeholders active in multiple AI Planning domains.


Apply Now!

The project is currently looking for individuals and companies that can provide real-world AI Planning use-cases.

Applications for OC2 will be open until 10 February 2022 at 17:00 CET:

👉  For more information, please visit AIPlan4EU website, or follow it on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.